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Technical - Oct 16, 2020

Fan Clean

Every day comes with different challenges. We all love challenges but, in some cases, they may become difficult to reach. Yes, difficult to reach. With every morning we wake up with the to-do-list that we made at night. Waking up to the tasks to be accomplished is a stress creator in its own. How we wish that there is some genie who would do all the tasks for us and we would get a day off from watering the plants, mopping the floor, making the bed, washing the clothes, etc. Some of us have our life at ease because of easy to use appliances and electricals in our home. Some appliances give us relieve of doing the task manually like washing machine and vacuum cleaners and some of them give us respite from the weather like Air conditioners or even fans.

We might have seen manuals for appliances but rarely a manual or procedure on how to keep them clean, at least not for all of them. This blog will help you guide on how to keep your fans clean, since this errand is a mammoth task and among the one difficult to reach. Not only its necessary its necessary to keep the fans clean because they are part of your beautiful home, but also because uncleaned fans can hinder the smooth performance of fans in many ways including jamming the motor and stopping the fan from running at all. Use the following methods to keep the fans clean:

  1. Wipe with a damp cloth

    Take a cotton cloth and soak it with water, remove the water by squeezing the cloth. Hold one blade of the fan at a time and lightly wipe it off with the damp cloth.

  2. Use vacuum cleaner

    In availability of a vacuum cleaner, you can clean the vacuum cleaner in light mode.

  3. If the fan blades are greased because it’s in the kitchen or in area where there is possibility of oil accumulation, clean the blades first with soap water and then with clean water.
  4. Try and clean the fans once every week or once in fifteen days.

  1. Don't use kitchen cleaner scotch brite sponge on fans as that may corrode and spoil the fan paint.
  2. Don't use acid of any form on the fan otherwise the fan blades will get spoilt and damaged.
  3. Don't bend the blades too much otherwise the pre-set angles for the blades will get disturbed and it will spoil the air delivery and output of the fan.

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